What makes you happy? What do you love doing? What brings your soul joy? DO MORE OF THAT!
Health is more than just what we eat, although what we eat is very important.
H - E - A - L - T -H
Having Emotions All Lovingly Touching Heart
Being happy releases endorphins. Endorphins are neurotransmitters responsible for making you feel happy. It works both ways. Endorphins have many health benefits. They can help reduce depression, help reduce stress and anxiety, help relieve pain, all of which will reduce inflammation in the body.
Lower Tahquamenon Falls
This last Friday, March 24, I did what I love, I went to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to hike in the woods and enjoy nature. I took a day trip by myself. Usually, I take trips with a friend however no one wanted to go with me this year. I love seeing the U.P. (what we in Michigan call the Upper Peninsula of Michigan) in the winter with all the beautiful snow and ice formations. I took my day trip to Tahquamenon Falls, a six hour drive from my house to the falls. The upper Tahquamenon Falls is the largest waterfall in Michigan and one of the largest falls in the eastern half of North America. The Tahquamenon river has many cascading falls and they are accessible at the lower falls, where I prefer to go when I am there. The lower falls is very picturesque with hiking trails in the woods and you can get close to the falls. I feel the lower falls has more ‘up close’ and ‘personal’ viewing places. The upper falls is where everyone goes because it is the biggest part of the falls. The upper falls is over 200 feet across and drops about 48 feet. During the spring thaw (which is starting to happen now) there is as much as 50,000 gallons of water falling per second! That is one powerful falls! Many people are in a hurry when they visit Tahquamenon falls and only see the upper falls and in my opinion, they miss the better half, the lower falls.
Lower Tahquamenon Falls
About 20 years ago I went camping many, many times at Tahquamenon Falls State Park. I was camping there so often the park rangers got to know me. I am very familiar with the park and I am comfortable hiking the trails there even by myself. Even after spending so much time there, it is still magical when you see the falls and get close to their majesty.
Before going on my alone, day trip, I had all the usual thoughts going through my head (mostly thoughts that come from other people): you cannot drive that far by yourself, what if you something happens, it is not safe to be by yourself traveling, what if you get lost in the woods, what if… not safe…. fear, fear, fear, fear……
Meanwhile my intuition, spirit, heart was telling me that it would all be o.k. and that I would love it! And that I needed the peace, serenity, calmness, quietness and beauty of the U.P. to nurture my soul.
(Background about me, I love nature! I love the woods! I love being where it is quiet! I love the U.P.! I grew up always going to the U.P. and it feels like home to me.)
Lower Tahquamenon Falls
As I was driving up there, the sky was a beautiful blue and the sun was shining and I kept thinking, ‘I love this!’. Driving in this beautiful state (Michigan). Being on an adventure. Taking a break from working. Going to the place I love. It really was a happy, feel good day. Everything felt much lighter and I was filled with gratitude for this beautiful planet we are blessed to be living on!
I highly recommend you go see Tahquamenon Falls and now you know to not skip the lower falls.
Lower Tahquamenon Falls with my companion, Moose, he has been going all over the U.P. with me for many years.
The following quote sums it up, when you stop doing the things that you love, the things that make you happy, is when dis-ease is created in the body.
Gabrielle Roth quote:
“In many shamanic societies, if you came to a medicine person complaining of being disheartened, dispirited, or depressed, they would ask one of four questions: "When did you stop dancing? When did you stop singing? When did you stop being enchanted by stories? When did you stop being comforted by the sweet territory of silence?”
Every day we are moving fast, attempting to get done what needs to be done. That can be very stressful. Stress is a major contributor to dis-ease and creating inflammation in the body. Inflammation wreaks havoc with your body in so many ways. It is said that chronic inflammation is the root cause of all dis-ease. I emphasize anti-inflammatory foods in my cooking classes to help maintain a healthy body.
When I do a consult with someone, I always ask, ‘what makes you happy’. You would be surprised at how many people say, ‘I don’t know’. It is vital for our health that we do what makes us happy, makes our heart sing with joy, and that we do it often. Do not underestimate doing what you love for your health. Feeling happiness and joy are very important to maintain a health body, mind and soul. Consultation information: https://www.macroval.com/counseling.htm
Information about Tahquamenon Falls State Park: https://www2.dnr.state.mi.us/parksandtrails/Details.aspx?id=428&type=SPRK
Upper Tahquamenon Falls
I was unable to access my substack blog for a week and was not able to send any new blogs. I had started writing this blog last Sunday and then all of a sudden, the text I had typed disappeared. I could not access what I had been typing and I could not upload a picture. Substack does not have good customer service and it took a few days to even get the e mail to contact someone from substack. Then I was informed that the search engine I was using Duck Duck Go would not work with substack which is weird since I have been using it since I started my blog back in October. I am not too savvy on the computer and did not know how to use a different search engine while still having Duck Duck Go as my main search engine. Lucky for me, I have a dear friend who has a 17-year-old son, who knew exactly what to do and had to walk me through the process of what to do to be able to access my subtack blog again. Now I have to access substack through Microsoft Edge (I did not even know what that was until yesterday) and all my other computer work is done in Duck Duck Go. Oh, the stresses of all of this computer stuff! (I guess I need to go back out to the wood and de stress). Just wanted to let you know that is why I did not send out a blog last week.
Easter Dinner Cooking Class - Wed. April 5 - 6 to 8:30 PM (EST) - In Person or Virtual - The class will feature a new recipe with a Mexican flare. It is a layered dish with roasted spring vegetables, millet, pinto beans, a Mexican Carrot Sauce and topped with home make, VEGAN SOY JALAPENO CHEESE! Plus, Savory Corn Jalapeno Muffins and Glazed Asparagus and Onions with Almonds. Sign up: https://www.macroval.com/cookingclasses.htm
Thank you all for subscribing to my blog. Please leave a comment, share the blog and please consider becoming a paid subscriber. I am a self-employed chef who makes her living from teaching cooking classes. I would love to see you in one of my upcoming classes.
Blessing to everyone! Spring is here! Get outside and smell the fresh air! Your lungs will thank you for it!