The best way to stay healthy is to eat as close to nature as possible. I have been saying this for 26 years and now it is even more important than ever to eat food from Mother Earth that has not been tampered with. This blog and my last few blogs are to inform you about the new technologies being used to alter our food. I know it can seem over whelming when you are learning about the crazy things being done to our food, however, do not fall into a depression about it, take an action to prevent it. Knowledge is power and we need to take back our power over our food.
I will be the special guest on the Mom’s Across America Zoom call, tonight, June 19 at 7 PM (ET). I will be talking about food for the summer to nurture your brain and heart plus talking about ‘Apeel’. You must sign up to attend the Zoom call:
Read article, watch videos, anyway you can learn about this.
Be vocal, talk to everyone you know about this.
Talk to your locals stores about this.
Ask the managers of the produce departments if they have heard of ‘Apeel’.
Make copies of my blog and hand them out. Or any article that you think covers the topic well.
Shop at farmer’s markets where you can talk directly to the farmers. Most of this gene altering and coating our food is happening at a corporate, large farming, level.
Buy directly from farmers in your area.
Grow a garden yourself (if you can).
Continue to buy organic. Right now, it is still the best way to get healthy food. Plus, you vote with your money, vote for organic.
Do not buy (vote with your money) any food that you find out has been gene altered or coated with ‘Apeel’.
Sign petitions and pass the petitions along that you come across to boycott or stop these processes.
Support businesses that promote and educate people on this topic.
Listen to my radio show, REAL FOOD with Chef Val, latest broadcast about ‘Apeel’.
In my last blog I wrote about CRISPR technology. It is a new technology that edits genes. I am not a biologist, chemist, or a person who studies this topic. For the last three years, I have read countless articles and listen to countless videos about this subject but am still learning. I do not expect everyone to know or understand all of this CRISPR technology, just be aware that it is happening and avoid it.
Here is some info about CRISPR:
Quote from the Organic Consumers Association latest email:
“The Institute for Responsible Technology reports:
“Gene editing is cheap, easy, prone to side effects, poorly regulated and can permanently alter nature’s gene pool-a recipe for disaster.
Gene editing techniques such as CRISPR are cheap and easily accessible. The number of new GMOs released over the next 25 years could be vast. Even organic and non-GMO certified products could eventually be overrun by these stealth GMOs.
It’s a GMO free-for-all.”
“Reason #7: Epigenetic Inheritance
Gene editing can cause DNA rearrangements and large deletions, even affecting entire chromosomes. Evidence shows that gene editing can do even more damage to genomes and is even more unpredictable than standard genetic engineering.
When gene-edited GMOs are released, unpredictable changes can be passed on to future generations, posing a threat to nature’s gene pool.”
To learn about all the reasons, watch this video for a comprehensive, impressively presented, easy to follow video that should be widely shared! Even if you are well educated about GMOs, there is sure to be something new you will learn.
It’s time to end the reckless genetic engineering and weaponizing of pathogenic viruses and organisms!”
Video about CRISPR technology:
The Swiss Federatl laboratories have invented their version of ‘Apeel’, toxic coating for their produce. The article states that they take vegetable matter that is inedible, juiced and pressed them BLEACHED, to produce their product. The article is for educational purposes, I do not endorse the way the article puts a positive spin on the coating.
I continue to talk about, educate, and hand out flyers about ‘Apeel’. At the local Westland Farmer’s Market, I have a booth where I sell my organic, sugar free jams and desserts. I still have not come across anyone who has heard of ‘Apeel’.
The following video is Dr. Jan Ruby giving it to you straight about the toxic coating, ‘Apeel’. She also shows what an apple that has been covered with ‘Apeel’ looks like after sitting on the counter for days.
Here is some good information about organic farming. Article is from March 2, 2023, Organic Farms Produce Less but are More Cost Effective, Study Finds.
More Solutions:
Remember you are a creative being. You create everything in your life.
Remember that we create collectively with others.
Do not dwell on negative thoughts. We all have them, just let them pass through and then think of something that makes you happy.
If you are constantly thinking about the future being bleak, that is what you will create.
If you are constantly thinking about the future being great, that is what you will create.
Focus on all of us coming together and creating a world where we can all eat organic, un-altered food.
Your thoughts matter. Your actions matter. Make them positive towards the world you want to live in and thrive in.
Thank you for reading, liking, sharing and subscribing to my blog. Please consider becoming a paid subscriber. Your support is greatly appreciated.
What I do for a living:
Work with people to overcome health challenges using food.
Celebrate the Summer Solstice, First Day of Summer!
Grilling Class - Wed. June 21- Butternut Squash BBQ Sauce!
6 to 8:30 PM(ET) In person or Virtual - Michigan
In person class is hands on cooking, a fun relaxed environment to cook together. And you get to eat the food that is created in class. Think there are no options for grilling if you live a vegan, whole foods lifestyle? Learn tips and the best cooking techniques for cooking vegan, whole foods on the grill.
Menu: Gilled Tempeh Asparagus, Mushrooms and Cauliflower with Butternut Squash, BBQ Sauce, Grilled Onion Sauerkraut Salad, plus a Special Dandelion Wild Violet Flower Tea. (There will be a SURPRISE bonus recipe cooked on an OPEN FIRE also!)
Sign up here:
I agree, we must eat as close to nature as possible. Organically grown foods only. I try to grow my own garden the best I can and hope that there is something the wild animals don't devour that I will have left for myself. I think I may have to rely on my own garden more and more as the years go by. I always want to think positively and see that there is hope for the future. But the only way we can bring down the evil is to stop doing business with them. That is becoming harder and harder. People must stop relying on Big Pharm, and western medicine that is all for profit only. They must stop buying food that is cheaper, when it will cost them a lot more in the long run with all the health problems they could get if it is not organically grown food they buy. And we must stop people from wanting so much education, when the schools these days teach mostly bad things and ways to make money harming our planet. And those who get high paying jobs have such devotion to their employers that they have forgotten how to think for themselves. The same with us and our politicians. We vote for people to represent us in the political world, but most of those people are getting huge amounts of money to destroy our country and our lives. We must learn to have as much power over our own lives as possible and to stop counting on others. And to stop supporting others that are not doing things in our own interests. Yes and to stop working for companies destroying life on the planet earth. Our entire education system has been destroyed. To bring intelligence to our society means private learning we must do on our own. Not getting brainwashed by the super rich to get high paying jobs. helping them destroy humanity. And to think clearly , and understand what is being done in the world. The most important thing is what we eat and to avoid these poisons our doctors are prescribing to us. Yes and the native american indians used to eat meat a lot when they went to war or fought in a battle with other tribes. Otherwise they avoided most meat. Well can't we learn from that? If we all eat mostly meat and dairy, naturally war and fighting will be among our top desires. If we could only follow the Indians example and greatly limit the amount of animal based foods we include in our diets we could be a much more peaceful society. But with peace not being profitable and with the richest 300 wanting to reduce the human population down to no more than 800 million by 2030 instead of the 8 billion we are at now, vegan and vegetarian diets are ridiculed and put down by the rich and by the public news. But we must be able to think for ourselves and stop being manipulated and taken advantage of. How we can convince most of humanity of this great change that we all must make to bring down the evil and rich in power by stopping to use what they make the most money off of I hope we can find a way. to do. What will Bill Gates do when noone buys from his meat farms with poisons in all the food he sells? What will Big Pharm and the Rockefeller Foundation do when noone uses prescriptions or sees doctors anymore? What will Joe Biden and Tony Fauci do when noone gets vaccines anymore? What will doctors do when they have no more patients. What will Joe Biden do when noone will agree to fight. pointless wars in the military anyore? I hope we can get to that stage sometime soon. By the end of the summer? We need presidents with different goals than GENGHIS KHAN, Ivan the Terrible, and Alexander the Great. Will love knowledge, and peace ever become more valued that war , money and power?