Do you know what it feels like to live alone?
You wake up every morning alone. Most days you do not talk to anyone except on the phone. You have no one to share the little everyday things that you do. No one to sit down and have a meal with. Were we meant to live this way? Did we choose to end up this way? I do not think anyone wants to end up living alone with no kids or spouse. It is a lonely existence and it just gets more lonely as you age. And who will be there when you out live all your relatives? No kids. This is a sad place to be in.
If you are lucky enough to have pets, at least you have someone to talk to even though they will not talk back. (They do talk back just in another language.) Pets are still great company and you can feel love from them, however like all species on the planet we need interaction and affection from the species we belong to.
This is my male cat, Rod when he was a baby, 2020.
This is my female cat Jewel, from July 2022 when I brought her home.
What happened along the way of your life? Who wanted to end up this way? Maybe you are one of the lucky ones who found your significant other, have kids and maybe grandkids. Do you realize how fortunate you are? Are you one of the fortunate ones who has the support (emotionally and financially) of another person? If you are, please be grateful every day for that other person.
When I was a kid the only thing I ever wanted was to be a mom and have a family. Fast forward to now, I ask myself so many times, what happened? How did I manage to not create the one thing I wanted so bad? Did I create it because it was the one thing that I feared? I know that we create with our feelings and fear is one strong feeling. I also know that love is the strongest power and feeling there is. Why did I not create from love instead of fear? (I am not even sure that I created this all our of fear, just asking the hypothetical question).
Are you blessed enough to have money to purchase things you want? What does that feel like? I hear people say, I bought a new carpet, I bought a new vacuum, I bought a new ‘whatever’ fill in the space…. what does that feel like? All my money goes to pay bills, all the time, ever since I was 18 and moved out of my parents house.
Can you pay all your bills on time? And why do they charge a late fee if you are late paying your bills? It is the people who do not have the money who are late paying their bills. People who have the money pay on time. So the ones who struggle and usually are single (single house income) get charged more just because they are late. If I had the money I would pay the bills as soon as the bills arrived (I still get my bills mailed to me, no electronic withdrawals). When you struggle you are usually paying whenever the money is there, which most often is the day it is due and sometimes you have no choice but to wait and have it be late because you just do not have the money. The whole world is backwards.
And when I say people who are struggling, I am not referring to living beyond your means and spending money on useless things such as; manicures, video games, fancy smart phone, apps you have to pay for, the latest greatest gadgets and such. (If you send your money on those such things and you can not pay your bills you need to get a clue and grow up!) I am talking about just paying your bills, just surviving.
Do you ask yourself questions such as these? Are you attempting to figure out all of this? Ever since I can remember I have been asking these types of questions. I have received many wonderful answers (answers that were truths for me) from inspirational teachers such as Dr. Wayne Dwyer, Marianne Williamson and the most influential in my journey, Neal Donald Walsh. Neal wrote the Conversation with God, books. Those books had a profound affect on my life. The first time I listened to them (I had audio books) I felt as if what I had always felt (known) to be true was being spoken about. The books awakened the spiritual side of me. I felt like the knowledge that was inside of me was validated and being spoken about. Those Conversations with God books I have listened to over and over again and at very challenges times in my life. They have brought me through the darkest time of my life.
The longest lived people live in a place with social activities and most have large families. They are surrounded my community that cares and family that are there for them. We are a social species. We will not survive being in isolation or being alone. Babies who are given all the nutrition they need but have no physical contact will not thrive or survive.
See here are my challenges, I just put this You Tube video on the blog, The Caucasus, the Oldest People in the World, because I wanted to share it with you. Once I copy and pasted the video into the blog, I can not type underneath it anymore. Then I tried to delete it from the blog and I can not figure out how to do that either. All this computer stuff does not come easily to me. It is a miracle that I can figure out how to do the blog or other things. The video will now stay on the bottom of this blog.
I have been reading and watching videos for over 2 weeks now on how to go live on Facebook and You Tube at the same time. I finally figured it out and it took a couple hours to get the program on my computer and figure it out. All of this takes so much of our time. I spend hours doing things that make me no money for my business. Such as doing all that research. I write for two magazines (one is monthly, one is by monthly) that I do not get paid for that either. Monday I took 2 hours to write one of those article. Why you may ask do it then? Because I have so much knowledge in side of me to share. I do it because this is what my passion is, food and teaching about healthy food. I spent hours this week making videos for You Tube and my private Patreon subscription channel, one day 6 videos, the next day 5 videos. One of those videos I now have to e mail to someone (another project) and the file is too big. So more time spent on research on how to change the size and shrink the file.
Have computers made our life easier or more complicated? I would say more complicated. Or more time consuming. Spending so much time trying to figure out how to do all of this stuff. I would rather be teaching cooking classes, creating new recipes or cooking for my clients.
Thank you for reading my blog. I know I went a little personal on this one. And my point for this blog is to question what is going on in your life. To ask questions that get you motivated to make changes in your life. To never give up. To keep going and keep learning in life. And I wanted to share some personal things to get to know my readers better.
For your health do these things:
Call a friend, not text, talk to them!
Go out in nature and see the beauty!
Watch Videos that teach you something!
Read uplifting inspiring books!
Play with your cats or any animal that you are blessed to share your life with!
Eat your favorite (healthy) food!
Do what you love everyday!
Laugh everyday!
Hug your friends and family!
Give thanks for all you have in life!
Love and Food, Val
Please support my business by attending an upcoming cooking class, having a consultation with me, subscribing to my cooking channel, consider being a paid subscriber to this blog. Please like, share and subscribe.
Special Saturday Breakfast Cooking Class
Sat. Jan. 28 - 11 AM to 12 noon (EST)
Breakfast Cooking Class - Pumpkin Pear Muffins with Cranberry Surprise and Buckwheat Breakfast Porridge with Pumpkin (both recipes feature fresh turmeric root).
All New Recipes - Virtual
Coming in February - Healing with Food - Compresses, Poultices, Teas. Natural Remedies with food.
Virtual - $30.00 each class - Attend all three $80.00
Sat. Feb. 11 - 11 Am to 12:30 PM - Onion and Garlic
Sat. Feb. 18 - 11 AM to 12:30 PM - Aloe and Comfrey
Sat. Feb. 15 - 11 AM to 12:30 PM - Ginger and Turmeric
Learn the tremendous healing capability of these plants and foods with personal stories from Val about using them to help people and animals heal. Bring your questions, this will be an interactive class and the opportunity to ask questions about healing certain health challenges will be discussed.
You will receive the information ahead of the class, in order to make the compresses, poultices and things during the class.
* This is not a cooking class. It is a series of classes teaching how to use food and plants in various applications.
Testimonial: "This past fall of 2022, I discovered a tick imbedded in my neck. Sometime after removing it my neck swelled, became red and itchy. The reddness spread to my upper chest. A bit later I developed TMJ
jaw pain. I consulted Valerie, who guided me to address the inflamation from both the outside and internally. She advised me to apply poltices, as well as hot and cold compresses on my neck. Valerie also instructed me, in detail, how to take various herbal tinctures and supplements. Eventually all these symptoms cleared up. Valerie is a very knowledgeable, experienced, and caring person who will
help you to support your body to heal." --Maria Muller
Subscription cooking channel: