Save 400 Canadian Ostriches from being Killed
Heartbreaking story of healthy Ostriches scheduled to be killed Sat. Feb. 1
A small family farm in Kootenay, British Columbia, has been ordered by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) to slaughter their entire flock of 400 ostriches-birds they’ve raised for decades and that aren’t even used for food.
Are you aware of the 400 healthy ostriches that are to be culled this Saturday, February 1 in Edgewood, BC?
What can you do? GO TO THE WEBSITE!
On the website there is a letter for all to send to the Canadian government to stop this killing of these beautiful ostriches.
Why we need to keep our ostriches alive;
If this flawed protocol is allowed, who’s animals are next? Pets?
It’s clear PCR tests are unreliable, false positives, cross-reactivity and more.
Studying ostrich immunity will benefit our Natural Health.
Destruction of a living laboratory, a huge loss.
CFIA reversed the Flocks Exemption as Genetically important …why?
The birds are healthy, request a 30-Day Review.
Concerns regarding culling – CFIA Inhumane Treatment?
Undue emotional Distress to Ostriches, Owners, and the Public
Quote from organizers of a convoy in Canadia to help support the Ostrich farm: “There is going to be a convoy up to Edgewood BC Universal Ostrich Farm on Saturday February 1 but I am going up there earlier Wednesday to drop off firewood and will probably be going up Friday and on Saturday earlier so if someone from Cherryville wants to join the convoy they will be coming through but also we if people want to bring signs and bring snacks ,dress warm let’s it is important to stay peaceful and supportive to the family while demonstrating our request to stop the murder of these 400 beautiful animals and get a stay if execution until we have enough information, instead of doing unrepairable actions where lives will be lost.”
What I have learned from watching videos about the Ostriches:
These ostriches have been on this farm with this family for 30 years. These ostriches have been shown, by scientific studying, to have strong immune systems. Maybe that is the reason then want to get rid of them, because they prove that strong immune systems will get over dis-eases. (In the interviews the owners of the farm explain how research with the ostriches can help understand strong immune systems.)
The authorities tested dead ostriches with PCR tests. Yes, the same worthless tests that do not show infection of anything. The family, because of laws, are not allowed to do their own testing.
The original order states that the family has to kill these ostriches. For anyone who has pets/animals they take care of, this is the same as killing your family. This is heart breaking to hear. The family has names for these ostriches. Some of the ostriches have been on this farm for 30 years. If the family does not kill them, then an independent company will come in and kill them.
These ostriches are not the only animals being massed killed all because of the made-up threat of bird flu. This culling (killing) of hundreds, thousands and in some instances, millions of animals is just a mass genocide. It is insane and it needs to stop!
Plus there are links to more video/interviews on the website:
Video: What’s Up Canada?
Unjustified Government - Fake Virus, Fake Tests, Real Culling - Jan. 30th
Viva Frei on X:
Thank you for taking the time to watch the videos and go to the website to find out more about these ostriches that need to be saved.
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Valentine's Dinner Stuffed Cabbage Cooking Class
Wed. Feb. 5 - 6 to 9 PM (ET)
In person $65.00 - Virtual $55.00
Hands on cooking and we eat the food we create in class.
Valentine's day is when you cook for your loved one’s special dishes from your heart. Many people love Stuffed Cabbage but want to make a healthy version. This recipe features brown rice and tempeh with a carrot sauce. This is a complete meal with complex carbs, protein, good fats and lots of vegetables, plus a healthy dessert.
Stuffed Cabbage with a Carrot Sauce,
Layered Colorful Au Gratin Casserole
and Chocolate Pudding.
Burdock Root Cooking Class - Traditional Kinpira and Burdock Soup
Thursday, Feb. 20 - 6:00 to 7:30 PM (ET)
$36.00 Virtual through zoom.
You get the recipes ahead of class to cook along in your own kitchen.
Burdock root purifies the blood, strengthens your blood, improves your overall strength and is fantastic for your skin and hair. Known for it strong earthy flavor, it has one of the best winter flavors to add to soups and sautés. Kinpira is a traditional Japanese dish that features toasted sesame oil and tamari for a rich flavor.
Traditional Kinpira and Burdock Sweet Potato Hearty Winter Soup
Chef Val - Learn about BLACK GARLIC!
All about Black Garlic. How do you make it - What does it taste like - What are the health benefits - How can I use it in a recipe - Let's talk garlic!
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The birds are safe, FOR NOW.
It is heart-breaking to read that healthy animals are going to be killed for no reason. The PCR test is not just unreliable, it's meaningless because there is no evidence that any so-called 'virus' causes any disease.
And you're right, it is just a small step away from pets being 'culled'.
The whole thing is outrageous.
I do hope plenty of people turn up to support this family.