I am so happy Spring is here!
I have been busy picking wild plants, drying them and making new recipes with them such as Wild Violet Flower Pudding. I will share some of my favorite wild plants and a couple signature Spring Energy Foods.
Wild Violet Flowers:
- Viola Sororia First flower to bloom in spring
Gentle herb, can be eaten in large quantities, both leaves and flowers
Subtle very mild peppery taste
Leaves make a better tasting tea
Properties: anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antioxidant, boosts immune system, helps with clear skin, soothes irritated tissues, expectorant, disinfectant, natural pain killer, calming effect on nerves
Minerals: calcium and magnesium
Vitamins: C and A
May help with : promote sleep, treat infections, treat upper respiratory tract, colds, flu, virus infection, treat bronchitis, reduce pain and swelling, poultice for inflamed skin, high blood pressure, relieve pain, purify the blood, relieves coughing, sore throat, aid in digestion, reduce fever.
My YouTube video on How to make Wild Violet Flower Pudding:
Sometimes called: Giraffe head
In the mint family, leaves and flowers can be eaten or made into tea
Subtle mild taste (does not taste like mint)
Plant was first brought to U.S. as chicken feed, that is why it is called henbit
Properties: anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, laxative effect, boosts immune system, helps cleanse the liver, used medicinally for traumatic injuries, diaphoretic (generates sweat), reduce fever
May help with: stress, chronic pain, soreness, stiffness, joint pain, arthritis, aid in digestion, treating uterine hemorrhage, hypertension, prostate issues, relieve chronic pain and discomfort, and Poultices treat external bleeding, buns, bruises, stings and wounds.
My YouTube video on Wild Forging Henbit:
My favorite Spring Vegetable: ASPARGUS!!
Known for its energetic healing properties for the female reproductive system, asparagus can help increase lactation, relieve menstrual pains, promote fertility and strengthen female hormones. According to the National Cancer Institute, asparagus is highest in a strong anticarcinogen known as glutathione. Also containing rutin, this power packed green spear, can help small blood vessels from rupturing and is an antidote against X rays and radiation. It contains a good amount of vitamins A, B-complex, C and E, potassium and zinc.
Signature Spring Food: Split Peas
Pisum Sativum - legume family
Green pea is split and dried. When the skin is removed from the peas a natural split occurs. They can be green or yellow.
Health Benefits:
1/2 cup has 8 grams of protein, high in insoluble fiber, helps to lower cholesterol, antioxidant properties, heart healthy, regular consumption has been shown to reduce inflammation, help to improve arthritis pain and asthma
Contains: iron, zinc, potassium, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, manganese, beta carotene, omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins B6 and K
If you want to learn more about Spring Energy Foods, I will be the special guest on the Mom’s Across America Zoom Connect Call, Monday, April 22 at 7 PM (ET). A wonderful way to celebrate Earth Day! Sing up for the Mom’s email newsletter and you will receive an invite to join the call.
Upcoming Classes:
Spring Meal Cooking Class
Thursday, April 25 - 6:30 to 8 PM (ET)
Virtual through Zoom $36 - You get the recipes ahead of class to cook along in your own kitchen. Personal instruction and real time answers to questions.
Recipes focus on Spring Energy Foods nurturing the liver.
Menu: Quinoa Bok choy and Spring Vegetables with a Tamari Lemon Sauce and Tempeh Dandelion and Sauerkraut
Macro Val's Healing with Foods #2
Poultices, Healing Teas, Natural Remedies and More - Food is Medicine!
Three week Virtual Zoom class series
Saturday: April 27, May 11 and June 1
11 AM to 12:30 PM (ET)
Fee: $35.00 per class - Prepay and attend all three $90.00
Week one: April 27 - Ume Plum Paste, Miso and Nori Sea Vegetable
Topics covered: cuts and scrapes, digestive health, but bites and stings, skin issues
Week two: May 11 - Dead Nettles, Mustard and Basil
Topics covered: high blood pressure, colds and flus, skin issues, brain health, heart health, bug repellent
Every year I pick Dead Nettles and use it in many applications for healing. I am excited to share all about this amazing plant from picking and drying it, to how to use it in cooking and also for healing the body.
Week three: June 1 - Cabbage and Tofu Poultices
The poultices will be demonstrated in class and taught when they are needed to be applied.
Food is medicine. In these classes you will learn the history of the food and how long we have been using these foods for medicinal purposes. There will be unique ways to use the food for their healing properties that you may not even have heard about. Plus wonderful special teas to help heal the body.
Thank you for reading, liking, sharing and subscribing to my blog. This is a creator supported platform, please consider becoming a paid subscriber to help support my work.
Get in the Kitchen and Cook Healthy!
In honor of April being Autism Awareness Month, here is a must-see interview. This is Polly Tommey from Children’s Health Defense. She has been raising and taking care of her autistic child for over 27 years. Polly has a huge heart and she tells it straight with passion for protecting her child and all autistic children and adults. This is an eye-opening interview that everyone needs to watch.