The Story of My Kidney Stone
What happened, what it is, what I did naturally to help. Part One.
For those who do not know, I had a kidney stone and it was some of the worse pain I have ever experienced. I will share my story of what happened, what a kidney stone it, the natural way to treat it, what I did to treat it and the spiritual aspect of maybe why this happened. I will be spitting this information into two blogs because is a lot of information to share. This is part one.
I was fine… then this happened…..
On Tuesday July 4th, I had my family over to my house for a cookout and I had a great time, I was perfectly fine. Wednesday morning, I woke up with a stomachache. I preceded to have diarrhea and throw up all that I had eaten the day before. In the afternoon, I seemed to be fine. At about 8 PM, the stomach pain came back and it intensified as the night went on. I was up all night in severe pain. Whenever I attempted to drink just water, I threw it up. I was praying to God to take the pain away because I could not stand it. Early Thursday morning I called my family to take me to Emergency. (I must be really sick if I am willing to go to Emergency. All they every do is give you prescription drugs so I avoid mainstream medical anything, if I can.)
The Emergency I went to was actually pretty good. I only was waiting about 10 minutes before they called me in to be seen. I was in so much pain, I was rocking back and forth in my chair and they had to ask me to try and sit still to get a blood pressure reading. Once in a bed, they drew blood and put a line in me. They came with some pain medicine, said it was a generic version of ibuprofen (Motrin). They also came with an anti-nausea medicine. I said I did not need the anti-nausea medicine since I had not thrown up for 4 hours. They said O.K. and just gave me the pain medicine. They also asked for a urine sample.
I am allergic to Penicillin, aspirin and Tylenol. That is probably why they gave me the ibuprofen. I needed that pain medicine. And I knew it would have side effects however I had been in severe pain for about 12 hours at that point. The pain medicine did take the pain away so I could function.
If you get nothing else out of this blog, get this important fact. In order to get a C.T. scan to find out what is wrong with you, you do not have to have the toxic contrast injection, they can do the scam without it. As they wheeled me into the room for the C.T. scan, I said to the women working there, “You are not going to inject me with contrast for the scan, right?” She said, “yes, I am”. I said, “No. I am not going to take the injection of contrast”. Then she asked me why. My response, “It is full of toxic heavy metals and my dad had a terrible allergic reaction to the contrast.”. She left and I could hear her repeat what I had just said to her as she was on the phone with the doc who was treating me. She came back and said, “No, you do not have to have the contrast injection, we will do the test without it.”
YOU HAVE TO SPEAK UP AND SAY, NO THAT IS NOT GOING INTO MY BODY. You are in control of what goes into your body. Do not let the medical institute bully of coerce you into something you know is not good for you. There are options however you need to speak up and not just accept everything they say and do.
One of the ingredients in contrast injection is gadolinium. Read about the serious side effects from this:
The Results:
After the C.T. scan, I waited to hear the results. The doc came to me and informed me that I had a urinary tract infection. I found this interesting considering I had none of the symptoms of one. When I asked some questions and said I was surprised because I had none of the symptoms, which the doc listed, and I told her at the time, no, I do not have any of those symptoms. I also asked it the severe pain was caused by a urinary tract infection, which she said it could be, something about the bladder. After the doc left, my sister, who was there with me said, “I do not think she liked that I asked all kinds of question”. You know what, TOO BAD! It is my body, I am entitled to know what is going on.
Then the doc came back and said the results of the C.T. scam showed I had a ‘very small kidney stone’ that is why I was in so much pain. She said, “I will give you some prescriptions and you can go home and pass the stone.” (Of course, she will give me prescriptions, that is all they know how to do.) I told my family, I am not getting those prescriptions.
We left and went to a Meijer store to get some things I did need. Fresh organic lemons to squeeze. Organic cranberry juice with no added juices or sweeteners.
I did get Motrin. I was in so much pain the night before from the stone I could not handle it and I did cave to take over the counter Motrin. I was completely appalled by the ingredients, but I just had to get some relief from the pain. I took Motrin Thursday evening when the pain intensified at night. I was still in a lot of pain. I took Motrin on Friday when I was in pain. I stopped taking it on Saturday. I proceeded to have a bad headache that lasted all day Saturday. I know it was from the toxic ingredients in the Motrin. Then Sunday, I would randomly get a shooting pain in my head. As if a bold of lightning went right through my brain. Again, I know it was from the toxic ingredients in the Motrin. I did not take any more.
I was unable to eat, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I started to eat soup Saturday. By then I was pretty weak. Luckily, I had soup already made in my fridge and freezer. I also started eating Eziekiel sprouted whole grain bread that I toasted. I slowly throughout the next few days added brown rice and I made a nice pot of Miso Soup. Nothing tastes better then Miso Soup when you are not feeling well. I had to have a friend come over to help me do some things as I was so weak.
Another thing happened that was unusual. My legs felt very heavy. Usually, my legs feel very light and I am full of energy. My legs felt like they were two heavy poles I was trying to walk on. I believe this may have to do with the huge amount of lemon water I was drinking. My body is not used to all that acidity and all that fruit. My body is almost always in a state of being alkaline and all that lemon juice was very unusually for my body to take. (I know some of you may think that lemon water is alkaline because some chart told you that, however all fruit will make you acidic.)
I had the stone from July 5th to July 17th. The pain got less as the days went on. The pain also moved. At first it was in the front on the left side. Then I moved to my back, left hand side where my kidney is located. The pain always seemed to get worse at night. And I would have episodes of intense pain that would last anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour. During those times of intense pain, I would get into a very hot bath and that seemed to help.
The kidney stone passed sometime late Sunday night July 16th. How did I know it passed? I felt normal for the first time on Monday, July 17th and by the Tuesday the 18th, I was feeling even more back to myself.
One of the things that helped me the most.
I have started being a distributor for a new technology that I believe is fantastic! It is the Life Wave Stem Cell Reactivation Patches. What are those you ask? The patch is made out of organic amino acid crystals that when applied to your skin is activated by heat which is a form of infrared light. This reflects back a light wave that elevates GHK-Cu Copper Peptide, which is proven to activate your stem cells, produce more stem cells and reset your stem cells to a younger healthier state, much like the sun activates Vit. D. in your body.
Here is the incredible thing that happened to me.
In the evening while suffering with the kidney stone, round 9 or 10 PM, I would start to experience cramping in my kidney area (back left-hand side). The episodes would grow in intensity, and I would be in pain anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes. The last episode of a pain attack I had was late Monday (July 10) at night.
Tuesday, July 11, my birthday, I was on the phone with the lady I work with in Life Wave and I told her my story of having a kidney stone. She said, put a patch right on your back where the pain is. Unfortunately, I did not have any patches in my house at the time, I had given them all to my dad because I am working with him to overcome health challenges with the patches. But then perfect timing stepped in and the next 30 days’ worth of patches came in the mail that day.
That night (July 11) around 10 PM, when the cramping pain was starting, I put an X-39, Life Wave patch on my back, where the pain was located. Within an hour, there was no pain. I KNOW these patches work. But I was even surprised at how quickly I had no pain. I was able to sleep for the first time that night for 3 hours straight. (At this time, I was only sleeping for about an hour and a half at a time because of the uncomfortableness and pain.) From that point forward I did not experience any pain episodes. Every night after that I could not wait until 10 PM to put the patch on. I also noticed on July 12, the day after I wore the patch all night, the heaviness I had been experiencing with my legs, started to lighten up. By July 13 my legs were back to normal.
For information about the Life Wave Reactive Stem Cell Patches:
email me with questions about the Life Wave Patches:
What I did to treat the Kidney Stone:
I have been counseling people for over 20 years using food to help them overcome health issues. My brother has re-occurring kidney stones. So, when this happened to me, I already had a vast amount of knowledge about what to do to help treat the issue.
What I did to help treat the kidney stone:
The first thing I did was drink water with fresh squeezed, organic lemon juice. An 8 oz. glass with 2 tsp. lemon juice. Lemon juice is an excellent remedy for breaking and dissolving small kidney stones. Lemon juice contains the compound hydroxycitrate (HCA) naturally.
Hydroxycitrate has the ability to break up small calcium oxalate stones, thereby allowing them to travel more easily through the urinary tract, and eventually, these stone pieces are passed through the urine.
I made a vegetable tea. I put onion, carrot, sweet potato and parsley in the hot water, drained and drank that also. I made this mainly for the parsley tea and the other vegetables were to help with electrolytes and the taste. Parsley contains protective anti-inflammatory and flavonoid antioxidants that help in fighting against free radical damage and oxidative stress caused to the kidneys as a result of stone formation. Parsley works as an extremely effective natural diuretic. It flushes out the toxins, excess salts and water accumulated in the body by improving kidney function.
I was also drinking cranberry juice to help with the urinary tract infection they said I had. At no time did I experience any symptoms of this: painful urination, having to go frequently or feeling the urge to urinate. It was suggested by a friend maybe because the kidney had inflammation in them when they ran tests on my urine and it came back with inflammation it looked like a urinary tract infection but maybe it was a mis diagnosis. I hear that can happen often when the body has inflammation. Either way I drank the cranberry juice. I would dilute the juice with water and add a little fresh lemon juice, which actually improved on the taste of the cranberry juice.
Garlic pills - natural antibiotic.
Grape seed extract - I prefer the liquid, it is a natural antibiotic.
Turmeric pills - to help fight the pain and anti-inflammatory properties.
Nettles tea - I pick wild dead nettles every spring and dry it, I made tea with it. Anti-inflammatory properties, anti-viral properties, and nettle leaf tea is a powerful and depurative diuretic that can help you in avoiding the kidney problems by improving the blood purification and removing the creatinine and uric acid.
Castor Oil Compress - I did not do this until Friday, July 7th. I took a piece of cloth and put castor oil on it, put it over the area that I was having pain, then put plastic wrap over the top because castor oil is messy. They I would put a hot pad on top for heat. I would fall asleep with this on me and leave it on all night, even though I was getting up multiple times every night. I stopped the castor oil compress after I put the Life Wave Patch on my back and experienced relief from the pain.
Herbal Tincture: Stone Breaker - Chanca Piedra, Hydrangea, Celery Seed, Burdock Seed.
Burdock Root Tea - Contains high levels of mucilage, insulin and other components which are naturally present in the root of this herb. Burdock herb has long been believed to be a powerful blood purifier that helps eliminate toxins and natural poisons. (In Oriental medicine they teach us that what a plant does in nature it will do in your body also. When burdock root is growing underground, if it comes across a rock, it will not grow around it, it will break the rock and keep growing. That is powerful action to break up stones.)
Emotional Causes of Kidney Stones:
Quote from Louise L. Hay’s book, Heal Your Body:
“Probably cause, Lumps of undissolved anger. Affirmation: I dissolve all past problems with ease.”
I will delve more into the emotional side of health challenges, what is a kidney stone, the macrobiotic understanding and more in my next blog. I am on vacation next week, look for my next blog the week of Aug. 7th through the 11th.
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Upcoming Cooking Classes:
Chef Val's Wild Rice Fresh Dill & Green Olive Salad Cooking Class
RESCHEDULED Wed. AUG 9- 6:30 to 7:30 PM (ET)
Virtual - $25.00
Whole Grains for a whole compete meal. Wild rice and brown rice make this salad light and fresh, dill from the garden is just the thing to give the salad flavor. Plus Green Olives to add that layer of flavor your tastes buds will love. In the class you will learn all the health benefits of the meal. The best way to learn about how to live a whole food, healthy, vegan lifestyle is to attend a cooking class.
Outdoor Grilling Class
Wed. August 16 -- 6:00 to 8:30 PM (ET)
in person or virtual - $60.00 (in person) $50.00 (virtual)
Cooking outside on my back patio on the grill. Grilling can be a part of a healthy, whole foods lifestyle. There are so many different things to grill that it make the meal colorful, full of different texture and full of flavor.
Menu: Grilled Marinated Tofu with Grilled Beets, Grilled White and Orange Sweet Potato all served over Fresh Lettuce.
The best way to learn about how to cook healthy, whole, vegan food is to attend a cooking class. Classes are fun, informative and interactive.
I'm so glad you're finally feeling better. I just wanted to mention that Lemon juice is not may be among the citric acid foods but it's effect on our body when we eat it in our diet makes it one of the most alkaline foods there are. Orange juice also is alkaline by how our body reacts to it in our diet. Lime juice also