I had the honor and the pleasure of being a part of a very special event Friday, Sept. 8th. The Children’s Health Defense, Vax - Un Vax, The People’s Study Bus came to Michigan. I was there from 9 AM to 7 PM.
For those who do not know what the Vax - Un Vax Bus is, let me explain. Children’s Health Defense, the nonprofit organization that educates and advocates for the health of our children, have a bus (it is really a motor home) that is traveling the country interviewing people to tell their stories of how vaccines have injured themselves, their children or loved ones.
This is not the first time they have traveled across country interviewing people about their injuries. After the first Vaxxed movie came out in 2016, they had a bus that traveled the country and many or the stories became a part of Vaxxed 2 the People’s Stories movie. (You can watch the movie here: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/videos/vaxxed-2/
I have been following Children’s Health Defense for a long time, since they started in 2016.
The lady who travels in the bus and does the interviews is Polly Tommy. Her story is that her son was injured from just one shot, the MMR. Polly is a passionate, wonderful mom and advocate for her son and other children who have suffered from injuries following vaccines. Polly Tommy and myself on the Vax-UnVax bus pictured below.
In 2020, Children’s Health Defense started doing show. They call it CHD TV Shows. I started watching from day one. I turned my regular TV off in 2020, I could not stand all the lies being propagandized in TV, it made me sick. I was so grateful that CHD started their TV Shows and watched them all. While watching CHD TV Shows you can also chat, I started doing that with the name Macro Val, my business name. Soon all of us in the chat started to know each other and we became chat friends. That is why when I went to the bus event, they all knew who I was and called me Macro Val. (You can watch CHD TV Shows here: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/shows/)
Friday, Sept. 8th - My Experience
I arrived at about 9 AM. The bus was already there. I went into the room they had reserved for the event with vendors and the Michigan for Vaccine Choice people and the CHD people. I was told they had a table for me. That was a nice surprise. I had sent an email inquiring about having a table but did not receive a response. I think the email got lost. All I had to put on my table was my business cards. It all worked out in the end because I did not spend much time in the vendor room. (I ended up spending the day on the bus while the interviews were being filmed.)
I was not there for very long, maybe about 15 minutes when someone wearing a CHD shirt came up to me and asked if I was Macro Val. I was wearing my Macro Val shirt, that is the name of my business and the name I go by in the CHD chat. I said yes and was told I had to get my picture taken by the bus and that everyone wanted to know what I looked like. (I am sorry to say, I do not remember the young ladies name who first approached me. The picture is below.)
After the picture was taken a few minutes later the same young lady asked me if I would go live with Polly for the morning show. I responded right away, yes!
Next thing I know, Polly came into the room and announced very loud, ‘Where is Macro Val?” I raised my hand. Polly came right over and gave me the biggest, all encompassing, loving hug! It was one of those hugs you will never forget. The hug that tells another person they are important. Polly proceeded to say to me, (I am paraphrasing), do you know how important you are to us? Do you know how happy we are to meet you? You are such a big part of CHD TV. You are family. She asked if I was going live with her for the morning show, I said yes. I was overwhelmed and felt so appreciated. (The picture below is right after that meeting and the big hug.)
Well, unfortunately we missed going live for the morning show. Polly was doing an interview and we missed the time to go live. We did an interview with me and the lady who runs Michigan for Vaccine Choice, Tasha Schurgin, and the lady who runs the Michigan chapter of CHD, Barbara Trunsky. That interview went great and is up on the CHD website. You can watch it with this link: https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/chd-tv/events/the-chd-bus-tour/standing-shoulder-to-shoulder-unity/
After the interview I was told I could stay and listen to the interviews. I proceeded to stay for all the interviews (with the exception of a few times I left to use the bathroom and to eat lunch). I was on the bus during the interviews from 10 AM to 7 PM.
The whole time I was there, Polly and the CHD crew treated me like I was family, just like what Polly had said. I also brought food for the crew. Being a Chef, that is what I do when I go places. I brought the crew my Quinoa Salad with Walnut and Raisins (recipe can be found here: https://www.macroval.com/foodofthemonth.htm), Blueberry Lemon Mini Muffins and some of my desserts, Coconut Pecan Truffles, Peanut Butter Truffles and my version of Snicker’s Bar. Everyone who tasted the food loved it.
On the bus was also Clare Dooley, she was running the cameras. Clare is a stunningly beautiful young woman. She moved with effortless grace as she went back and forth between the computer (to send out the text alerts) and the two cameras she was running. I was interested in the cameras being a camera person and someone who wanted to have her own cooking show, I have been around camera equipment before. In between the interviews I did ask Claire about the cameras and how she learned how to run them. She said she had worked on The Highwire, worked with Andy Wakefield and Micki Willis. Wow! I wonder if she knew how impressed I was when she said that? I have been watching all of them for year and working with them is impressive.
Sawyer (the producer) was also there doing camera work outside as people sign the bus. He is so young looking! I am not sure of his age, he looked about 16. I know he does so much behind the scenes work at CHD and he does a great job from what I have seen.
People who have been injured write their names on the bus and what shot injured them. Also, people with deceased loved ones write their names on the bus with what shot inured them. And some of the deceased have their pictures hanging up in the bus.
Polly Tommy
This beautiful woman (she is way more beautiful in person then on camera) works tirelessly on the bus to achieve the goal of helping people get their stories of injuries out and on camera. From the first interview to the last, she maintains her level of energy and passion for the work she is doing. She has the ability to make the people who are being interviewed feel comfortable in an uncomfortable situation to tell these very sad stories. She has the ability to make the person on the couch telling their story the most important person in the room (bus) at that moment. She tells the person to look at her and she holds their attention as if they are talking to a friend. That is a rare quality to be able to reach people at such an intimate level and set them at ease. She is an earth angel doing a very important mission.
The Importance of the Bus
Imagine if you will, something happens to you, and no one believes it happen to you. You KNOW what has happened, yet when you seek help you are told you are just crazy and need phycological help. This is the Hell many of these people live.
This is God’s work. This is the truth. This is the people’s story. These wonderful people have been lied to, they have been coerced into doing something they knew in their gut they did not want to do, and they have been told they are crazy. Most of the time, the bus is the only safe place they can talk about what has happened to them. The bus is a safe place that they can feel accepted and listened to. It is very important for people to feel heard. So many people feel like no one is hearing what they are saying. And if you have a vaccine injury story, you in particular, feel like no one is hearing you.
I have watched/listened to so many of these stories because I know they need to be heard. I may only be one person listening however I am also one person who can repeat some of these stories that I hear and help spread the word about what these people go through.
I felt honored to be on the bus all day Friday listening to these people tell their stories. The stories are all sad. Some have a somewhat happier ending then most. Some of the stories are very tragic and emotional to hear. I also see the telling of these stories to be healing to the person telling the story. Healing because they feel heard, they feel like someone is finally listening to them and they feel like someone cares. Plus, they are not alone. The gathering of people who have this in common or are like minded is a powerful energy force that can be healing.
This lady was injured on the 1960’s, cornea eye damage.
Very touching interview with mom, dad and girl who was injured and has autism. I appreciated what the dad said about how wonderful his wife is taking care of their daughter.
Stacey tells the story of how her husband died from the ‘covid protocal’. (There are many stories of how this protocol killed people in hospitals and they are all similar.)
Watch all the stories from the bus interviews:
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Upcoming Cooking Class:
Garden Vegetable Dishes Cooking Class
SATURDAY, September 23 -- 12:00 (noon) to 1:30 PM (ET)
Virtual - $35.00
Garden abundance is here! I will be teaching two unique dishes featuring a Dill Dressing and a Butternut Squash Dressing. Each recipe is a complete meal by itself. One features long grain brown rice and the other features millet. Plus a variety of vegetables fresh from the garden.
This hour and a half class will be on a Saturday during the day for everyone who cannot make the evening classes.
Sign up: https://www.macroval.com/cookingclasses.htm
The best way to live a healthy life is by eating healthy, whole, organic food!
Thanks for documenting your experience! I was at the event the day following Michigan in Ohio. I shared stories and signed the bus. More people need to speak out! I'm sure many of us could have sat in the interview chair and spoke for hours.