Valerie, please ask yourself: If President Trump is such a bad guy, why is the entire "deep state" doing everything in its power to stop him from being re-elected? The same deep state that shut down Bobby's path to the Presidency are standing in President Trump's path too. They even tried to kill him and may well do so again.

(Don't be fooled; that assassination attempt was an inside job, all the way. Given your adeptness at investigating health and wellness, Big Pharma, vaccines, etc. you could easily find the truth about what really happened in Butler, PA on July 13th, too.)

Your disrespect for President Trump shows in the fact that, twenty-one times in this piece, you published his name without even capitalizing the letter T. Yet you capitalized "Biden" eight times and "Harris" five times. This alone shows a strong bias against President Trump, who has formed an alliance with RFK Jr.

You wrote "Maybe I am wrong. Maybe I cannot see the bigger picture." I'd say you've been deceived into not seeing what Bobby clearly does see. He's the one who has spoken with President Trump for many hours. His cousin JFK Jr. was very close with President Trump, too. There is most assuredly more going on here than meets the eye.

As for me, I'll be voting for the guy who didn't start any new wars, and against the regime that has been antagonizing Russia in an effort to start World War Three and burn us all to death — the ones who are so corrupt they'd rather destroy the entire world than lose an election and be held accountable for their own crimes.

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They will find out in the end. I just hope they have the character to admit they were duped. Curious if any Kamala voter can tell us why they are voting for her…not just why they are not voting for him (bonus points if they can avoid using MSM talking points).

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I enjoyed your analysis Valerie. This will be the first time I don't vote in a presidential election. I can't find the good in either side to do so. And like you said, just like the vaccine, I can't just do what I'm told to do, even if it is my "civic duty."

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That's ok…lucky for you you'll still get the benefits of his presidency.

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Consider changing your name to MoreAnswersThanQuestions. You seem to have it all figured out

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I believe I do.... finally found one person that became my true north and I believe the changes that are coming are miraculous and will benefit all good people. The others might not be as happy...

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